Water color cards painted with love

LOTS of garden tools in my shed. This image came from a few hours painting those tools and arranging them to create a message. Do you see it?


Moving a 100’ hose I was certain an airplane could see this (eye roll :)

The first tomato of the season is thrilling and a BLT is never far behind. Early Girls are my favorite for obvious reasons!



Super YUM

We have nothing if we don’t have hope


I blame it on the super hot summer ~ they look like little carrot people

My daughter spent lots of time painting in our garden during the pandemic.. This card went back to school with her, a surprise tucked in her suitcase.


My mom’s favorite color ~ I got as close as I could!

My mom is one of my favorite people in the whole world! She's warm, kind, intelligent, funny and that’s just off the top of my head. This card is a tribute to her, a Master Gardener long before I was. She always loses her tools ~ an easy fix ~ bright red duct tape :) Seriously!


Duct tape fixes almost everything!

Tools of the trade ~ I’m always in search of the perfect trowel!


Messages at the heart of things

Little brown bird ~ fat and happy

Color inspiration from what I call “puzzle trees” in central Oregon


A secret web cam tucked under my jasmine arbor last spring

Let me tell you about a bunny named Notch.

Appearing out o f the blue four years ago, Notch hunkered under our car parked in the driveway. She arrived with a chunk taken out of her ear, so we named her Notch. She must be one tough cookie. As time went by I found her in my garden nibbling kale, cabbage, romaine ~ pretty much anything she could reach. I really do have enough to share with one bunny. I didn’t know where she spent her nights but from time to time I would see her scurry out of the chicken coop. One night I lifted the curtain where my hens lay their eggs and guess what? Notch had moved in. In the colder months she migrated to the hen’s roost and nestled in between them. I’d say she’s living a pretty good life and I thought she deserved to be captured in one of my cards :)

I always wanted hens …

It took me 9 years from the time I read Barbara Kingolver’s book Animal, Vegetable, Miracle to purchase my first chicks and I’ve never looked back.

Holiday Cards

2021 Designs

Water color cards painted with love

Garden inspiration

Except during the darkest days of winter when the rain is coming down horizontally, I start my day with a cup of coffee and wander around the garden. The miracles never cease to amaze me!

Miscellaneous goodies.

Pictures from my gardens that inspire my cards.

Cards I’ve painted and sent just because

My mother taught me the importance of thank you notes and I’ve been a note sender ever since.

These days an email or text is convenient but why not spread the love and write a personal note with a pen? These could end up on someone’s fridge or in a frame!