Original water color paintings and cards made with love

In a world taken over by screens, nothing is as wonderful as receiving a hand painted card by snail mail.

Iā€™m a Northwest mama and Connecticut daughter, master gardener and fledgling artist who started MamaBirdStudio during the pandemic. Each of my cards are intended to be tiny pieces of art you can send to loved ones or frame. I also sell the original pieces.

Hand painted and inked, each whimsical card I create represents an intersection of my passions for gardening, sending hand-written notes and water coloring.  The cards are printed on 32pt. (double thick with a colored seam) paper stock then hand embellished and detailed. Each blank card measures 5x7 or 4x6 and comes with a matching painted envelope which can be PRE-STAMPED upon request.   A limited number of each design will be printed and when they're gone, they're gone!  

And, these cards make a difference! $2 from each sale will be donated to a non-profit that supports permanent housing and life-counseling for homeless women with young children.

My tools of the trade

All photography by me in and around my gardens