Time zips by

It begins as a simple 15 minute task and suddenly three hours have gone by. I bought fennel bulb seedlings at the nursery because I’ve recently become obsessed with a new fennel, sausage, onion recipe my daughter shared.  You roast it all in the oven, toss with warm pasta, lemon juice and rind and lots of fresh arugula ~ it’s delicious!  I shlepped the fennel seedlings, along with some carrot starts, out to the vegetable garden, planned to dig a few holes and plant the dang things.  Simple enough right? 

But sitting there in the row I intended to use were some half destroyed random disgusting carrots that I missed last fall ~ had to take those out.  Then I saw a dozen or so shallots that I also missed last fall and lo and behold those turned into excellent starts for this year, so I dug them up and divided them ~ there were 40+.  Why not plant them as well?

I couldn’t possibly plant anything without amending the soil (thank you mom) so I trudged to get the wheelbarrow and a big shovel, loaded it full of finished compost (I’m a lazy but dedicated composter), dumped it on the row and spread it out. Alas, the row needed bonemeal, bloodmeal and greensand to further amend the soil organically (thank you mom). That meant another trip to the shed. 

I told myself the soil was loose enough after so many years of adding organic matter, that I would not to have to turn it over with a shovel.  And even though I can easily sink my fist 8 inches deep, I couldn’t help myself, so I turned it over and broke up all the clumps (and saw lots of worms!)  By then I was sweating under my garden hat (firm decision this year to stay out of the sun).  Knowing that all seedlings need to be “watered in”, I then hauled the 100 foot hose (very heavy) out of the shed and set it up. That’s when I discovered I really didn’t put it away as neatly as I should have last Fall, so I stretched out, unkinked and re-coiled it. I was finally ready to plant the shallots, or was it fennel I started out to plant? 

My intention was to spend a few sunny minutes in the garden and absorb some vitamin D because I have a crummy cold and that turned into happily toiling for three hours. I have a sore back, am semi exhausted, and am grateful that my husband suggested we order pizza for dinner. I may or may not be able to manage a shower before I drop into the recliner, click on the TV and zone out. Of course I wore my good yoga pants out there too ~ Yikes!

I love gardening :)

Joyfully onward 


Feeling nostalgic at Easter